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Past Dogs

Here are some of the Dogs who have touched our lives and have made a contribution to our breeding program.

Anya- Matrak Myzorraya - R.I.P

This is my Foundation girl Anya. Which l purchased Anya back in 2002 from Bea & Garth Goodwin of Matrak Kennels. However l didnt have a litter with Anya until the 6th March 2008. When Anya gave birth to an amazing 9 puppies by c section.

l was very lucky being that this was my first litter to have picked up on signs she was having difficulties. Although unfortunately due to her  difficulties with trying to have this litter Anya had to be neutered.

Even though she only gave us the one litter she has remained a very big part of our breeding lines and will do so hopefully through out our time in the breed.


Riddick - Jalerran's Wrath of the Furyans (Imp USA) - R.I.P

Words can simply not describe how much this special boy meant to me and how utterly devastating it was to lose him.  There is not a day that goes past that l do not think about him.

I am very grateful for the fact that l had the pleasure in knowing and being apart of this boys life. However it was tragically taken to soon.

He really was one of a kind and will always be with me.


Toffee - Mikulov User Friendly - R.I.P

My little Toffee Apple is still to this day an unfortgetable girl and l dont think she will ever be far from my thoughts.

Toffee was a great girl, full of life and energy and always made people smile as she was such a character.

I have to say a Big Thank you to Jamie Creagh who also handled Toffee as they shared something very magical together in and out of the show ring.



Kyza - Aust Ch Naukans Aiming High E.T - R.I.P

Aust Ch Canyonlands Johnny B Good IID X
Polarpeak Ice Maiden

Tragically taken from us way to soon.


Fury - Bluemooska Heavens Fury

Ivy - Ukeevea Posion Ivy

Nitro - Wolfgirl Explosive Force

Dedication, Quality & Passion

Ukeevea Siberian Huskies

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