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Who's In Charge Here?

Some things you could do to get your Siberian Husky to see you as the Alpha.​

1. Go through doors and passage ways before your dog.
Rite of passage is important to dogs, and the alpha has the right first.

2. Eat first--then feed your dog.

3. If your dog is blocking your path, make him move out of your way--do not go around or step over him. Sub-ordinate animals move for the alpha.

4. Call your dog to you for petting and attention. Don't go to him. Use Call Name only when good. When bad just say" Bad Dog Bad Puppy" And reward him. Motivation and Reward.We all need a good reason to do things well. Praise Praise and LOVE

5. When coming home,if your dog does not come to greet you, ignore him. If you go running to your dog then,
you are treating him as the ALPHA.

6. When you play with your dog, be sure that you end up with possession of the toy, and then put it up.

7. Don't allow your dog to sleep on the bed with you. At best you are making him equal with you. (Of course, we all let up on this one after our alphaness is firmly established.)

8. Practice trust/dominance exercises. Gently put your dog down on his side or back and touch his ears, paws, etc. and give him a massage to make it all pleasant for him. Offer treats if he doesn't want his paws touched while you are touching his paws. (This helps later when you have to trim the toe nails.)

9. Be your dogs leader. Prove to him that he can trust you in all situations, and that you will provide for his every need. Be consistent in enforcing all rules of the house. Establish regular routines that he can depend on.

10. Practice "doggy" discipline, that is when your dog engages in undesirable behavior, discipline him in a way that he understands. Give him a scruff shake and a grunt or growl. You must catch him in the act for discipline to be effective, however, or he won't understand for what he is being corrected. With huskies it is best to make direct EYE contact. Huskies like wolves talk with their eyes And Talk to your Husky.

11. Practice taking objects from him, toys, food, etc. Start by trading the object for a yummy treat. Then give back the object back to him. Get him used to your hands around his food bowl. Start by adding yummy treats while he is eating. Work up to removing his food bowl while eating to add the treats, then replacing the bowl for him to resume eating. You can eventually work up to actually slipping your hand in to remove food while he is eating.

12. Chewing - Puppies cannot help chewing, they teeth just like all babies. This can be most annoying and become a habit that is hard to break.  When puppy is small and starts to nip and bit ( take his open mouth and hold it gently shut with your hand , like an alligator mouth, and say NO in a firm regular voice. Every time puppy does this. Then from the beginning puppy will know, OPEN MOUTH BITING AND CHEWING IS NO. It also helps to get baby teething rings and old socks etc, put them in the freezer, when frozen give them to puppy to chew to sooth the gums.

13.It helps to keep huskies on a Harness plus collar for Tags and identification. Animals attack at the throat and jugular vein. So to tug or try to train a husky by yanking on his neck,sends an ALARM signal of DANGER to him. Thus he balks. By keeping a standard harness from pet shop, it hooks to his back and feels comfortable
and he is much easier to control and teach. But Try leash training first.

14: Most important when beginning training. Teach the puppy his NAME: use the CALL name FIRST. Example
Sunny : Come! -Sunny: Sit! =treat Never use the command first and the call name after the command. Eg: Come here Sunny. -Sit Sunny. We all pay attention when we hear our name called but not necessarily when people are just talking. So put emphases the puppy name you have chosen. Now you have the beginning foundation for your training
and the walls that will hold your training together.

15: Do not expect too much from your puppy.Remember we all learn at our own pace and in a step by step lesson.
Just like teaching your child or a friend. Slow and patience.

There are many more things that you can do, but these are good starting points for becoming your dog's friend. Remember that security and trust are important to a dog, and a good training provides security and can always be trusted.

                                       Remember another point The Key to success is love and commitment.

Siberian Husky Training Tips​​

Stage 1: Going Through the Motions

First of all it is important to take your husky through the motions of whatever action it is you want them to do so that they are familiar with it. If you want your husky to learn to bring you your slippers then you should take them by the collar, lead them to the slippers and place the slippers in their mouth before walking them back to the spot they started at. Here you feed them. You will need to do this a few times in order to get it used to the motion you want it to carry out – you can't just expect it to guess what slippers means. Associate this with the command by saying 'slippers' as you do it. Tone is important here and your dog will focus.

Stage 2: Positive Reinforcement
The first time you take your dog through the motion, you should reward it with a treat or just by patting it on the back and saying 'good boy' firmly. This way your dog comes to 'associate' the good action with the pleasant reward. In other word it thinks that every time it performs the action it will be rewarded and comes to like the action as well as the reward.​

​​Stage 3: Discipline

If your husky does something it shouldn't though then you will have the far less enjoyable task of having to punish your pup. This is quite upsetting as it can feel like betraying them but if you want them to be well trained it is a necessity. To punish your pet there are a few options such as shouting 'no', smacking the dog gently, rattling keys loudly (they often don't like the noise), blowing on them or squirting them with a small water pistol. Confusingly this is not what is meant by 'negative reinforcement' – negative reinforcement means taking away a negative effect. This would then mean that you would for instance stop blowing on them once they perform the positive behaviour – but this is not generally a strategy used to train pets.

Some More Husky Training Tips

These are the very basics of how to train your husky and the basic process that you need to go through. Remember that practice makes perfect and it will take a while for your pup to learn new tricks – it just takes perseverance. However there are also some tips you can use to improve your chances:

Eye Contact

Make sure that, particularly when punishing your husky, that you make strong eye contact with them so that they know your addressing them. This will cause the message to really hit home and will make them more likely to listen. Speaking firmly is also important.


When you command your dog it is very important to use the correct pitch. Dogs understand commands but they can't understand our language and thus they pay more attention to the pitch of the word and the context to know what it is they're supposed to be doing. 'No' should be firm, while you might choose to sing 'wee wees' or 'din din!' in a more high pitched tone – but just keep it constant.

Make the Connection

When you punish your canine companion you need to make sure that they know what it is they are being punished for. It is no good leaving the time between the crime and the punishment so long that they can't make the connection in their mind and don't know what it is that they did wrong. So if you are punishing your dog do it straight after they are soiling your new carpet or even better while they are doing it. If you miss this opportunity then you can force them to make the connection in other ways – for instance when punishing a dog for urinating on the carpet some people will opt to make them smell their urine while they smack them. If they bite you then hold their mouth closed while you tell them no.

Use Their Name

When using commands, praising or telling off your husky, make sure that you address them using their name. This is a good way of ensuring that they know their name and it will mean they listen to you more when you say it.

Put Yourself First

A lot of problems with dogs come because the dog thinks that they head of the household. This then means that they start trying to push the rest of the family around and it can lead to aggressive behaviour and disobedience. To solve this problem make sure your dog knows you're in charge – don't let them sleep on the bed, walk through doors first and generally act like numero uno. It might seem harsh but these are pack animals and they respond to this. They'll be happier in the long run.

Don't Reward Bad Behaviour

Just as some people will smack their dog without them knowing why, some people also inadvertently reward their dog for the wrong behaviours. For instance if you have food on you then you might find that your dog jumps up at you a lot to try and get it. The perilous mistake that so many people then make is to try and get the dog to get down by giving them the food. Of course this is a big mistake because what the dog will interpret that as is as them having done well – they will think that every time they jump up they'll get rewarded. When you dog doesn't do what you want it to then, make sure to ignore it or punish it – do not bend to its will.

Love Your Dog

At the end of the day though a happy dog is a good dog, and the most important thing is that they are loving and not aggressive. If you love your dog and pay it lots of attention then it will have no need to act out and it will be more intent on pleasing you.


Useful Links - Click Below​

Siberian Huskies - A Complete Pet Owners Manual​
How To Train Your Siberian Husky
My Husky Body Language

Dedication, Quality & Passion

Ukeevea Siberian Huskies

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